How it works

Auto repair and service. Simplified. 

Compare pricing. Select a professional. Book your appointment. It's that easy!

We understand finding a reliable mechanic and scheduling car repair and maintenance can be frustrating. But the truth is, it doesn't have to be. Spana is hassle-free car repair for the modern world.

1.Select and describe your service
Tell us what services you need from a wide range of listed services, or describe your symptoms to request a diagnosis. (snapshot/screenshot of the segment)

2.Compare estimates and choose a service centers/mechanic 
Compare estimates from local service centers or Mechanics in the Spana Network by distance, customer reviews, and price. All estimates include parts, labor rate and taxes.  (snapshot/screenshot of the segment)

3.Schedule an appointment 
Easily schedule an appointment right through your Spana account to confirm your date and time to take or pick up your car for service. All services booked through Spana are backed by our Peace-of-Mind Guarantee.